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Hugo & Congo Configuration

··1933 words·10 mins·

This document summarises how I set-up this website’s layout, fonts and typesetting. As a result, I highly recommend the Congo theme for the Hugo static site generator due to its layout, styling and extensibility.

Additions to Congo #

I added some features because I’m not pleased with how Hugo’s shortcode syntax prevents some content from being rendered correctly on external Markdown platforms such as GitHub and GitLab.

The conditional loading of KaTeX and Mermaid is possible because of the modified head.html partial template that calls to the extend-head.html partial template with global context (with {{partial "extend-head.html" $}}) instead of configuration file context (with {{partial "extend-head.html" .Site}}).

KaTeX #

The following layouts/partials/extend-head.html code is based on this comment from the Congo Theme discussion board, and is also based on this file from Congo Theme’s codebase.

{{if $.Params.math}}
	{{$katexCSS := resources.Get "lib/katex/katex.min.css"}}
	{{$katexCSS := $katexCSS | resources.Fingerprint "sha512"}}
	<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{{$katexCSS.RelPermalink}}" integrity="{{$katexCSS.Data.Integrity}}">
	{{$katexJS := resources.Get "lib/katex/katex.min.js"}}
	{{$katexJS := $katexJS | resources.Fingerprint "sha512"}}
	<script defer src="{{$katexJS.RelPermalink}}" integrity="{{$katexJS.Data.Integrity}}"></script>
	{{$katexRenderJS := resources.Get "lib/katex/auto-render.min.js"}}
	{{$katexRenderJS := $katexRenderJS | resources.Fingerprint "sha512"}}
	<script defer src="{{$katexRenderJS.RelPermalink}}" integrity="{{$katexRenderJS.Data.Integrity}}"></script>
	{{$katexFonts := resources.Match "lib/katex/fonts/*"}}
	{{range $katexFonts}}
		<!-- {{.RelPermalink}} -->
		document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
			for (const p of document.querySelectorAll("p")) {
				if (/\$\$.*\$\$/g.test(p.innerText) && p.hasChildNodes()) {
					for (const child of p.children) {
						if (child.tagName === "EM") {
							const textNode = document.createTextNode(`_${child.innerText}_`);
							p.replaceChild(textNode, child);
			renderMathInElement(document.body, {
				delimiters: [
						left: "$$",
						right: "$$",
						display: true
						left: '$',
						right: '$',
						display: false
				preProcess: math => math.replaceAll(" \\\n", " \\\\\n"),
				throwOnError: false

This change makes the KaTeX CSS and JavaScript files to load by default, and it also enables the single $ delimiter to be used with less future configuration.

Result #

With these configurations added, graphically-complex inline math expressions such as the following can be rendered:

  • A second order polynomial euqation can be solved with the formula $\displaystyle x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}$ for a quadratic equation of the form $ax^2 + bx + c = 0$, for all $a \neq 0$.
  • On a spherical surface, the area of a triangle with angles $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ (all measured in radians) is described by the formula $A_t = r^2(\alpha + \beta + \gamma - \pi)$, when $r$ is the radius of the sphere.
  • Binet’s Formula for calculating arbitrary Fibonacci numbers states that $\displaystyle F_n = \frac{\phi^n - (-\phi)^{-n}}{\sqrt{5}}$, when $\displaystyle \phi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2}$.
  • The integral of a polynomial of degree $n \neq -1$ can be calculated by the formula $\displaystyle \int x^n dx = \frac{x^{n + 1}}{n + 1} + C$

In addition, blocks of multi-line mathematical expressions can be rendered:

$$ \begin{align*} x &= \frac{1}{x - 1} & \text{definition of } \phi \ x(x - 1) &= 1 & \times (x - 1) \ x^2 - x &= 1 & a(b \pm c) = ab \pm ac \ x^2 - x - 1 &= 0 & -1 \ x &= \frac{-(-1) \pm \sqrt{(-1)^2 - 4 \cdot (-1)}}{2} & \text{using } x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \ && \text{when } ax^2 + bx +c = 0 \wedge a \neq 0 \ &= \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{1 + 4}}{2} & \text{simplification} \ &= \frac{1 \pm \sqrt{5}}{2} & \text{simplification} \end{align*} $$

Due to Hugo’s use of the \ character for text escaping, the preProcess1 function is required in order to correctly render the $\TeX$ source code as it was intended to be rendered. Moreover, the align* environment seems to be the most compatible between KaTeX and MathJax.

Technical Diagrams #

The following layouts/partials/extend-head.html code is based on Docsy’s diagram support, and implemented similarly to Docsy’s implementation, and Congo’s implementation, the theme settings are based on Mermaid’s documentation.

{{if .Params.diagrams}}
	{{$mermaidLib := resources.Get "lib/mermaid/mermaid.min.js"}}
	{{$mermaidConfig := resources.Get "js/mermaid.js"}}
	{{$mermaidConfig := $mermaidConfig | resources.Minify}}
	{{$mermaidJS := slice $mermaidLib $mermaidConfig | resources.Concat "js/mermaid.bundle.js" | resources.Fingerprint "sha512"}}
	<script defer type="text/javascript" src="{{$mermaidJS.RelPermalink}}" integrity="{{$mermaidJS.Data.Integrity}}"></script>

		 * @type {string} color an RGB tuple that represents a colour in CSS
		 * @returns an RGB CSS function form of the variable
		function tuple2RGB(color) {
			return `rgb(${getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(color)})`;
		document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
			const diagrams = document.querySelectorAll("code.language-mermaid");
			let hasDiagram = diagrams.length > 0;
			if (!hasDiagram) return;
			for (const diagram of diagrams) {
				const text = diagram.textContent;
				const pre = document.createElement("pre");
				pre.textContent = text;
			for (const appearanceSwitcher of document.querySelectorAll("[id^='appearance-switcher']")) {
				appearanceSwitcher.addEventListener("click", () => location.reload())
			// window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addEventListener("change", () => location.reload());
			document.querySelector("button#appearance-switcher-0").addEventListener("click", () => location.reload());

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css, in order to make the diagram’s background colour transparent.

pre.mermaid {
	background-color: transparent !important;

Result #

With these configurations added, diagrams such as the one below can be rendered:

	participant Alice
	participant Bob
	Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
	loop Healthcheck
		John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
	Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail!
	John-->>Alice: Great!
	John->>Bob: How about you?
	Bob-->>John: Jolly good!

Changes to Congo #

I was not completely satisfied with some of the styling of the default Congo theme, but luckily, it supports extensive customisations.


Horizontal Scrolling #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to disable horizontal scrolling.

  • The single-line width of HTML a tags HTML tags is capped at the screen width.
  • Horizontal scroll is disabled on the HTML body scope.
body {
	overflow-x: hidden;

a {
	max-width: 100vw !important;
	word-wrap: break-word !important;

In order to render multi-line math expressions correctly in small-width screens, the following CSS code was added to assets/css/custom.css:

@media (max-width: 640px) {
	span.katex-display > * {
		font-size: 0.65rem !important;

In order to ensure search results don’t overflow the intended width, the maximum width is restricted accordingly with following CSS code was added to assets/css/custom.css:

#search-results > li > a > * {
	max-width: calc(100% - 1.5rem) !important;
	word-wrap: break-word !important;

In order to ensure that embedded YouTube videos stay withing the width of a mobile screen, the following CSS code was added to assets/css/custom.css:

iframe {
	max-width: 100%;

Fixed-Width Font #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css (based on this Stack Overflow comment) in order to set Fira Code/Cascadia Code (or the OS’s default) as the fixed-width font, used in code snippets.

@font-face {
	font-family: 'Fira Code';
	src: local('FiraCode-Regular'), url('/FiraCode-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
code {
	font-family: 'Cascadia Code', 'Fira Code', monospace !important;

Result #

Multi-character syntax tokens such as :=, ++, != and <- should be rendered in a more graphic manner.

func f() {
	q := make(chan int)
	for i := 1; i < 5; i++ {
		if i != 2 {
			q <- i

Backtick-less Inline Code Snippets #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to revert Congo Theme’s main.css that surrounds inline code snippets with backtick symbols.

.prose :where(code):not(:where([class~="not-prose"] *))::before {
	content: unset !important;
.prose :where(code):not(:where([class~="not-prose"] *))::after {
	content: unset !important;

Quote-less Block Quote #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to revert Congo Theme’s main.css that surrounds block quote with literal quotes.

.prose :where(blockquote p:first-of-type):not(:where([class~="not-prose"] *))::before {
	content: unset !important;

.prose :where(blockquote p:last-of-type):not(:where([class~="not-prose"] *))::after {
	content: unset !important;

Nested Unordered Lists #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to set the second nested unordered list item bullet style as a square instead of a circle

ul > li > ul {
	list-style-type: square !important;

Content Width #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to increase the content width (based on Congo Theme’s main.css):

.max-w-7xl {
	max-width: 100rem !important;
.max-w-prose {
	max-width: 100ch !important;

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to decrease the spacing between the menu items (based on Congo Theme’s main.css):

@media(min-width: 640px) {
	[dir="rtl"] .prose ol > li, [dir="ltr"] .ltr\:sm\:mr-7 {
		margin-right: 0.75rem !important;

Colour Scheme #

The following CSS was added to assets/css/schemes/fruit.css (based on Congo’s congo.css and fire.css) change the colour scheme primary and secondary colours from violate-fuchsia to orange-red.

:root {
	--color-neutral: 255, 255, 255;
	/* Gray */
	--color-neutral-50: 250, 250, 250;
	--color-neutral-100: 244, 244, 245;
	--color-neutral-200: 228, 228, 231;
	--color-neutral-300: 212, 212, 216;
	--color-neutral-400: 161, 161, 170;
	--color-neutral-500: 113, 113, 122;
	--color-neutral-600: 82, 82, 91;
	--color-neutral-700: 63, 63, 70;
	--color-neutral-800: 39, 39, 42;
	--color-neutral-900: 24, 24, 27;
	/* Orange */
	--color-primary-50: 255, 247, 237;
	--color-primary-100: 255, 237, 213;
	--color-primary-200: 254, 215, 170;
	--color-primary-300: 253, 186, 116;
	--color-primary-400: 251, 146, 60;
	--color-primary-500: 249, 115, 22;
	--color-primary-600: 234, 88, 12;
	--color-primary-700: 194, 65, 12;
	--color-primary-800: 154, 52, 18;
	--color-primary-900: 124, 45, 18;
	/* Rose */
	--color-secondary-50: 255, 241, 242;
	--color-secondary-100: 255, 228, 230;
	--color-secondary-200: 254, 205, 211;
	--color-secondary-300: 253, 164, 175;
	--color-secondary-400: 251, 113, 133;
	--color-secondary-500: 244, 63, 94;
	--color-secondary-600: 225, 29, 72;
	--color-secondary-700: 190, 18, 60;
	--color-secondary-800: 159, 18, 57;
	--color-secondary-900: 136, 19, 55;

The following CSS was added to assets/css/custom.css in order to show/hide the desktop or mobile menu header based on the width of the screen:

@media (min-width: 700px) {
	#header-narrow {
		display: none !important;

	.header-wide {
		display: block !important;

/* header for narrow screens */
@media (max-width: 700px) {
	#header-narrow {
		display: block !important;

	.header-wide {
		display: none !important;

	li#header-narrow > label > div > ul {
		padding-top: 3rem !important;

The HTML was inspired by a combination of Congo Theme’s basic and hamburger layouts. The HTML code is available at layouts/partials/header/custom.html.

Configuration #

Hugo #

The following YAML snippets are taken from my hugo.yml, and always start from the root level of the YAML tree.

Dependencies #

I import the Congo library using Hugo Modules.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
    - path:

Markup #

  • Syntax highlighting is configured to enable the copy button.
  • The table of contents renders every heading in order.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
    noClasses: false
      unsafe: true
    startLevel: 1
    endLevel: 6

Other #

  • I set the base URL for GitHub Pages compatibility.
  • I set the timezone, in order to prevent pages with “future” dates from not rendering immediately.
  • Git’s metadata is used to determine when a document has been updated.
  • Hugo outputs are configured in order to enable content search.
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
timeZone: Australia/Melbourne
defaultContentLanguage: en
title: Omri Bornstein
enableGitInfo: true
paginate: 15
summaryLength: 0
    - HTML
    - RSS
    - JSON

Congo #

Metadata #

Basic information about me and the website is configured such that browser citation plugins can get the correct information.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
    languageName: English
    languageCode: en
    isoCode: en
    rtl: false
    dateFormat: "2006-01-02"
    weight: 1
    title: Omri Bornstein
    description: Omri Bornstein's personal website
      name: Omri Bornstein

The menu links and their order are set-up as follows:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
        - name: About
          pageRef: about
          weight: 1
        - name: Posts
          pageRef: posts
          weight: 2
        - name: Talks
          pageRef: talks
          weight: 3
        - name: Projects
          pageRef: projects
          weight: 4

Articles #

  • The following article metadata is shown:
    • table of contents
    • taxonomies
    • word count
    • date added/updated
    • Git repository hyperlink
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
    showBreadcrumbs: true
    showTableOfContents: true
    showTaxonomies: true
    showWordCount: true
    showEdit: true
    showDateUpdated: true

Other #

These configurations are in this section because they do not fit in a coherent category:

  • Colour scheme
  • The code copying button is enabled on multi-line code blocks
  • Content search is enabled
  • Recent posts from the blog are shown in the homepage
  • The homepage is rendered as profile configuration
  • A custom menu header layout is used
  • A theme switcher is shown in footer
  • A table of contents is shown for every list page
# yaml-language-server: $schema=
  colorScheme: fruit
  enableCodeCopy: true
  enableSearch: true
    - "posts"
    layout: profile
    showRecent: true
    layout: custom
    showAppearanceSwitcher: true
    showTableOfContents: true
    showBreadcrumbs: true